Beginning January 2018, Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region is changing its name to Trinity Bible Chapel.
Beginning January 2018, Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region is changing its name to Trinity Bible Chapel.
A Brief History:
In November of 2000, a group of Christians met in a small warehouse in the middle of Cambridge. A church was started called The Warehouse Fellowship. They had a strong desire to worship the Lord and reach the community. In August of 2008, seeking to be a part of a larger movement of churches, the church voted to join Harvest Bible Fellowship. In September of 2008, the church officially became a Harvest Bible Chapel and began meeting at Heritage College and Seminary. Although the early days of this church were difficult, the church continued to pray and the Lord brought stability and grew his church. With more people coming from all over the region, the decision was made to move the church to Woodland High School in the centrally located town of Breslau in February of 2016. Through this stage of the church, people have been saved, many have been baptized, God has grown the church in depth and breadth, and the Lord has been glorified through it all. In late 2017, with the dissolvement of the Harvest Bible Fellowship, the elders felt the Lord’s leading to change the name of the church again. In January of 2018, the church changed its name to Trinity Bible Chapel which accurately reflects who we are. We are the same church with a new name.
For a more detailed account of our church’s history, click here to visit the “Our History” page.
Since you might have some questions as to what this means for you and for our church, here’s a list of frequently asked questions:
Why are we changing our name?
In the summer of 2017, Harvest Bible Fellowship ceased to exist. And when it ceased to exist we ceased to be associated organizationally with the original Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago as well as the other Harvest Bible Chapels in Ontario and across the globe. In order to avoid confusion by sharing the same name as churches we are no longer affiliated with, we decided it would be wise to change our name. We will continue operating as the same church family, we stand committed to the emphasis on God and His Word, and all our leaders remain in their various positions. Only the name has changed.
Why the name Trinity Bible Chapel?
We chose the name Trinity because our church is founded on God who is Trinity. The Trinity serves as the foundation of all our doctrine, and because of the work of the Trinity through the Gospel we have fellowship with all three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Christian God is a God who is Trinity. The true church worships God the Trinity.
In our new name we chose to maintain the words Bible and Chapel for several reasons. First, we desire to honour our past as a Harvest Bible Chapel. Second, we chose to keep Bible in the name because we are a people of the Book – the Bible. And third, we chose to keep Chapel in our name to acknowledge our historical indebtedness to our English nonconformist forbearers, many of whom called their churches, chapels, when they dissented from the demands of the state church. As we move into the future, we are indebted to our rich history.
How does this affect our relationship with other Harvest Bible Chapel churches?
As previously mentioned, in the summer of 2017, Harvest Bible Fellowship has ceased to exist. Therefore, we are no longer organizationally tied to the other Harvest Bible Chapels around the world. The elders are currently seeking the Lord to determine what movement of churches he would have us be a part of in the months and years to come. It is our desire to be a part of a fellowship of like-minded churches for the purpose of planting more churches and advancing the kingdom of God. Please pray for the Lord to give wisdom to the elders as they seek to discern where God is leading us in this regard.
How will this change affect me and the areas I’m involved in?
For the day to day life our our church nothing is changing! Our mission and doctrine as well as our commitment to God’s Word, worship, prayer, and evangelism will not change. Our discipleship focus of corporate worship on Sundays, gathering in small groups throughout the week, and serving in the body of Christ will also remain the same. Our name has changed, but we are the same church.
Address: | 1373 Lobsinger Line
Waterloo, ON, N2J 4G8 |
Phone: | 519-658-6333 |
Email: | |