Dear Neighbours and fellow Ontarians: I hereby cordially invite you to learn of the good news of Jesus Christ and experience the joy of Christian worship. We are opening the doors of Trinity Bible Chapel this Sunday when we will hold in-person Lord’s Day services at both 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM. Ten months have
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January 8, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PASTORS, ELDERS, AND CHURCH CHARGED FOR WORSHIPING TOGETHER MAXIMUM TOTAL PENALTY IS $10.8 MILLION PLUS JAIL TIME IF CONVICTED This week two pastors of Trinity Bible Chapel received two charges each for violating the Reopening Ontario Act on January 3, 2021. An additional pastor, three additional elders, and the
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New Years Eve, December 31, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PASTORS AND ELDERS CHARGED FOR HOLDING CHURCH SERVICES Yesterday evening, all six of the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel were charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27. We are peaceful family men seeking to pastorally
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An open letter to the executive branches of Ontario and Canada, Municipal Regulatory Authorities, Judges, and all those who may be blessed by our commitment to obedience to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who purchased us by His very own blood.
RE: Trinity Bible Chapel’s position founded on the Word of God to remain open and meeting under Threat of Lockdown
Three months ago, the Premier of Ontario ordered all the churches to close as part of the emergency orders. The initial messaging was, “14 days to flatten the curve.” Over time, that seemed to change, and as it changed I grew more concerned. Knowing the trouble that people can get into when not at church
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The Lord Jesus suffered so that His gathered Church will worship Him. The magistrate has prohibited gatherings, including the congregational worship of Jesus Christ. The webinar video below (recorded on May 14, 2020) helps us think through the ethical, pastoral, and legal implications of the decisions we face. Are the demands of the magistrate in
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Has there ever been a time when the Church, the world-over, has not gathered for public worship and the ordinances for two consecutive months, including the season of Easter? She has gone through plague and persecution over the course of millennia, but now she has ceased to gather. “Has such a thing happened in your
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In a sincere attempt to respectfully work with our civil magistrates under their COVID-19 measures, while desiring to uphold our mandate from heaven to gather for worship and the ordinances, the elders/pastors of Trinity Bible Chapel have sent the following correspondence to all levels of government, signed by each elder/pastor on church letterhead. April
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Address: | 1373 Lobsinger Line
Waterloo, ON, N2J 4G8 |
Phone: | 519-658-6333 |
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