A Calling to Ministry
“To God be the Glory” was the theme of the mission conference that God
used to call our family into full-time ministry. At the time, we did not know
what God was wanting us to do, but we knew we needed to obey.
Stella and I both received Christ in our late teens. Christ’s salvation
changed our lives from desperation to deep satisfaction. We could not keep
the greatest gift given to us all to ourselves, so with three young girls, we
entered the training at Ethnos Canada in 1999.
Ministry Is Where You Are
The Lord has taught us that ministry is where you are and is only
successful through complete reliance on HIM and healthy body function.
During the training, at times, we were only focused on getting to the tribe,
so we missed chances to be used by God where we were and we regret any
lost opportunities. As God moved us after our first term from the tribe to a
support role at Faith Academy, we saw His plan to minister “right where HE
has you NOW!” He has led us to be Special Education teachers for the last
17 years, and ministry partners with a local church in a squatter
community. It has been life-changing and faith growing for our family as we
got involved in the lives of those near us.
A Ministry of Many
Even though we are not serving in a remote village, we still feel we are a
part of the call to reach the unreached. We support the children of
cross-cultural church planters through advice, direct instruction or testing.
We keep families on the field and focused on their call as we fulfill our call
to reach the world.
We also want to acknowledge the body of Christ in our ministry. We would
never have been in ministry without faithful supporters who believed in
God’s calling in our lives. We are grateful for the staff at Ethnos who trained
us and sustain us on the field, for each of our prayer and financial partners,
as well as our friends and coworkers and of course our family. We are only
able to minister to the kids of missionary families and our brothers and
sisters in the Philippines because of the faithfulness of many and we thank
you all as we live daily to give God all the glory.