Introduction Among Calvinists, there is a perennial debate over who is the proper recipient of baptism. Paedobaptists assert that baptism is for all members of a household in which at least one of the parents demonstrates signs of regeneration. That includes newborn infants, because such are members of the household. Credobaptists assert that baptism is
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Someone sent me a spicy take on Baptists and Christian Nationalists that recently appeared on social media. Apparently, it’s received not a small amount of attention, at least in our neck of the woods. Here’s the quip: “Post mill and Christendom will not work with Baptist ecclesiology. Because in their ecclesiology you cannot have Christianity
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Scripturally, covenant is inextricably linked to baptism. Reformed paedobaptists (those who baptize the infants of believers) see a direct link between the Abrahamic and New Covenants, and thus also see a direct link between circumcision (the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant) and baptism (the sign of the New Covenant). They have argued for one covenant
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