Christian Nationalism is all the chatter, occupying headspace for anyone who cares to listen. The secular establishment has been given over to unthinkable manifold depravities, and some folks are looking for a better foundation than the poisoned fluidity of secularism. As fluid and gender-fluid as secularism might be, the definition of Christian Nationalism might be
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Just over a year ago, the Province of Ontario seized our church building and charged me, along with all our elders, with contempt of court for the second time. The Province, claiming to be acting in the public good, had set limits on church attendance, and we had no regard for them. We, ourselves claiming
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Convinced or Converted? Wounded or Killed? "…that thou mayest not be deceived, consider that it is one thing to be convinced, and another to be converted; one thing to be wounded, and another to be killed, and so to be made alive again by the faith of Jesus Christ." -John Bunyan, Work, vol. 1, p.
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From Desiring God: “Will Effeminacy Keep Anyone from Heaven?” This article is excellent. Men and woman are not just distinct biologically, but are designed to have distinctly male and female mannerism. “Androgyny and effeminacy flatten vital sex expressions between men and women. But God made us distinctly male and female, and gave Eve to Adam
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John Bunyan, taken from: The benefits of reading John Bunyan’s allegorical Pilgrim’s Progress is that you start to identify his characters and places in real life. When we encounter Christian on his pilgrimage to the Celestial City we encounter ourselves. When we encounter Christian’s encounters we encounter our encounters. I already wrote about my
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