Marriage is a lifelong, covenantal union between one man and one woman. It is a special and sacred gift from God that he has designed to reflect the unfailing love that Christ has for his people. As a church, we want to help you plan a wedding celebrating your love and bringing glory to God, and establish your marriage on God’s firm foundation.
We’re excited to serve our members and attendees during the process of wedding planning and marriage. We look forward to walking with you in the coming days.
“Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.” Ephesians 5:31-32
Preparing for Your Wedding
Requests for weddings must be received as soon as you are able before requested wedding date. The fee for a wedding being officiated by a Trinity Pastor is $350 which includes: Pastor to officiate, rehearsal time and administration costs. This fee will be invoiced by Trinity the week before the wedding date and can be paid by credit card/debit visa online. Members of Trinity Bible Chapel receive this service for no charge.
For members and regular attendees at Trinity, marriage banns may be used instead of a marriage license, please make sure this is indicated on the following application form. If you are not a member or regular attender of Trinity Bible Chapel you may not use marriage banns and you are responsible to acquire a marriage license at your own expense.
Pastor Jacob has written you a letter to help and encourage you in the preparation of your wedding, please make sure that you read it HERE.
Preparing for Marriage
The premarital counselling program will include a get-to-know-you meeting as well as one-on-one meeting times with a staff person at Trinity another 5 or 6 times. Practical issues will be discussed from a biblical perspective. There will also be a meeting with a staff person after your marriage to follow-up. The cost of the premarital counselling program is $25 per couple which includes the cost of the materials and resources that will be provided to you.
The premarital counselling program is a prerequisite for all weddings to be performed by a Trinity Bible Chapel Pastor.
To get the process started, please complete the Weddings and Premarital Application Form following. Both the bride and groom are required to complete this form separately.
Once both of your forms are received you can expect an email from our administrative assistant to schedule an initial meeting with the bride and groom to explain the program and answer any questions you may have with a staff member.
Please note that we have the right to decline a request to be married for biblical reasons.
By filling out this form below, you are giving permission to Trinity Bible Chapel to use this information for ministry use only. We will never sell or give away your personal information. You can remove your permission at any time by emailing