A few days ago, I posted a vision for dad dominated children and youth ministries. It was a call for fathers to take a more predominant place in those ministries. Now reading the autobiography of Charles Spurgeon, I find we share kindred sentiments. I just came across this germane quote (emphasis mine): I love to
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I’m writing this mainly to the fathers of the church. I am concerned about the ministries of our church that your children attend, namely the children and youth ministries. I am not worried about the curriculum. It is elder-approved and biblical through and through. I am not fretting over the quality of the policies that
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Humility is a virtue. To not be humble is to sin. Hypocrisy is a sin. Hypocrites are not humble. The word, hypocrite, is a first-century term for stage actors. Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because they were religious actors. Their faith in God was hollywoodesque, a grand production for a viewing audience. I believe there
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A member of our church recently told a very personal story on his blog. He’s struggled with same-sex-attraction. Instead of indulging his flesh, he is seeking to live a life that honours Christ. The blog is courageous, gentle, and biblical. In response, he’s received hundreds of comments on social media and on the blog itself.
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Is being vague about sin an act of love? Often people avoid condemning sin out of a desire to love. Insinuating sin instead of naming sin; Generalizing instead of being specific; Apologizing for how embarrassing the very mention of sin can be; Fearing that being too specific might turn someone away from Jesus. This all
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Too many think Christianity is only about “me, my Bible, and Jesus” to the exclusion of the church. But, that attitude betrays an absence of the Bible because the Bible itself points to the importance of the church. Not only that, it betrays an absence of Jesus. He Himself is all about the church. In
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On Monday, the Waterloo Region Record ran an insightful opinion piece, “Stable Marriages Good for Everyone,” by Andrew Mrozek and Peter Jon Mitchell. The article laments the breakdown of the family and calls for a “recovery of the institution” of marriage. It opens with 2016 Canada census data and notes that family diversity is on
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Denying the Gospel seems to be the latest evangelistic strategy of many pastors and church spokesmen. Penal substitutionary atonement is now dismissed as just one viable option of many ways to understand the cross, if it’s not dismissed outright. Biblical inerrancy is under attack, derided as a hindrance to reaching modern sophisticates. And if inerrancy
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Address: | 1373 Lobsinger Line
Waterloo, ON, N2J 4G8 |
Phone: | 519-658-6333 |
Email: | info@trinitybiblechapel.ca |