When an “evangelical” church receives practicing homosexuals into membership and appoints them into leadership, what should we think? With decades of cultural accommodation and a lack of biblical teaching in many evangelical churches, this is expected. I predict more and more defections in the months and years to come. “They went out, but they were
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Magna Carta turned 800 years old Monday. Who celebrated? Perhaps few, but we all benefit, especially English speaking Christians. Foundational to modern democracy and individual liberty, Magna Carta, or translated from Latin as the Great Charter, marked the beginning of the end to the despotic ambitions of tyrannical English kings. With that, it was the
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Bruce Jenner now calls himself “Caitlyn Jenner.” The 1976 Olympic gold medalist says he’s transitioned to a she. At 65 years old, he broke the news to the world on the cover of Vanity Fair wearing a white corset and makeup. This is a sad cultural moment. In all sincerity, I thought the headline was
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Digital production is standard in most churches. In our own church we use videos to promote the work of the church and to testify to God’s grace. We use slides for announcements and sermon notes. All of these are helpful. That said, I am questioning the use of digital image and video production in some
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Christians are generous people who enjoy giving to help others and advance the Kingdom. We, as a church, have supported many good causes, and people regularly ask us to support more causes. It is impossible to give to everyone, so allow me to offer a few things to consider as you talk to people asking
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“Where have all the good men gone? I need a hero.” So said Bonnie Tyler in her 1984 hit single. To answer her question, can we turn to the Bible? According to some, we should not. Preaching through Genesis, I interact with Bible heroes every week. Enosh, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham have now each become
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Jesus prayed for church unity (John 17:21-23). There are many ways to strengthen church unity. Allow me to offer one clear way: attend your church regularly. Instead of going to the in-laws’ church for the weekend, playing in a baseball tournament, or sleeping in, count the contribution that your habitual church attendance makes to your
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In last Sunday’s sermon, I noted that Jesus had David’s and Solomon’s blood running through His veins. By implication then, he had not only Hebrew blood, but also Moabite and Ammonite blood. As support, I referenced Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1. The genealogies of Matthew 1 and Luke 3 are different. Matthew’s goes from David
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Waterloo, ON, N2J 4G8 |
Phone: | 519-658-6333 |
Email: | info@trinitybiblechapel.ca |