In The Absence of Christ, There Is Death: Seven die of opioid overdoses in first two weeks in April — WR Record (@WR_Record) April 22, 2019 But Jesus Christ Brings Life: This video was produced by John Maggs, Trinity Bible Chapel Director of Creative Ministries, and shown after the sermon on Resurrection Sunday 2019. Don
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Convinced or Converted? Wounded or Killed? "…that thou mayest not be deceived, consider that it is one thing to be convinced, and another to be converted; one thing to be wounded, and another to be killed, and so to be made alive again by the faith of Jesus Christ." -John Bunyan, Work, vol. 1, p.
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Woke or Awakened? As only Pastor Doug Wilson could say it. “So allow me to make this as plain as I know how to make it. If your church is not at war with social justice, identity politics, and the charade of being woke, then your church is done. Finished. Kaput. Stick a fork in
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The desire to contextualize the gospel springs from a desire to make the gospel understandable to all. Done properly, contextualization is the proclamation of the Christian message in a way that people understand it. True contextualization occurs when the message of Jesus is made clearer to a listening audience. Sadly, what often passes for contextualization
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Can Someone Bring This To Waterloo Region, Please? In theaters everywhere March 29. #Unplanned is the true story of one woman’s journey of transformation. Abby Johnson was one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation.Until the day she saw something that changed everything. — UnplannedMovie (@UnplannedMovie) February 1, 2019
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Yes This is excellent by @challies — Jacob B. Reaume (@jacobreaume) March 25, 2019 Legalized Marijuana This was a helpful podcast. “Dr. Ted Fenske discusses some of the social and medical implications of legalized marijuana in Canada.” This Is A Great Series, By Pastor Will Here's my second blog post in a series
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Dangers of “Gospel-Centered Preaching” Kristin Jukes Has a Book Recommendation: “In her latest book, You Who, Rachel Jankovic reminds Christian women that our identity is not wrapped up in this world or following our hearts/feelings but is found in Christ. With all of the humanistic philosophy being sold as Christian content to women, this
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The end of parental rights? The Marrow Controversy and the Law-Gospel relationship, my personal testimony of the Sermon on the Mount
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