Baptism and communion are the two ordinances required in the church. We believe that Christian baptism by immersion in water is a public identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Although baptism is not required for salvation, it is commanded of all believers and is for believers only (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38, 41; Acts 18:8).
Scripture shows that a person was baptized after personally receiving forgiveness of sin through accepting Jesus Christ.The waters of baptism are a symbol of our death, burial, and resurrection to newness of life that happens when we become a new creation in Christ (Colossians 2:12; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:1-4).
At Trinity Bible Chapel our baptism times are the highlight of our ministry year as Luke chapter 15 tells us there is much rejoicing in heaven at the conversion of even one person so we figure we should celebrate as well when individuals publicly stand and proclaim their love for and commitment to Jesus Christ.
You can view one of our baptism videos here to see the amazing celebration time we enjoy at each baptism event.
Communion is the commemoration by believers of Christ’s death and is a reminder through the bread and the juice of the Savior’s broken body and shed blood. Communion is to be a time of confession of our sin and should be preceded by careful self-examination (Acts 4:13; Romans 6:3-6; 1 Corinthians 11:20-29). All who are followers of Jesus Christ through salvation by grace and who have no unconfessed sin or rebellion in their life are invited to join with us in communion.