The homosexual movement cannot be satisfied. A short few years ago, they just wanted the right to be “married”. So, overhauling millennia of tradition, the government tried to reinvent marriage for them. Just for them. They overthrew a cornerstone of civilization. And that wasn’t enough. It was once “GLB.” Then “LGB.” Then “LGBT.” “LGBTQ.” I
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We live in a world that is gayproud. And in that world we must be Christian. But how? Some so-called churches have joined the lemming-run by appointing gay leaders and marrying gay parishioners. Others have remained silent, crossing their fingers to wishfully dream away this high point of moral decadence. Neither one of those are acceptable responses. The first is a sin of commission: committing evil by participating in it. The second is a sin of omission: omitting good by keeping silent when one should speak. I’ve seen others become corrosively bitter. That too is only fighting sin by becoming sinful, so really it’s just joining the parade.
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