In February 2015, in the Carter vs. Canada decision, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of physician assisted suicide. The Court has given the federal government until June 2016 to bring forward legislation on assisted suicide. Doctors have already assisted in suicides in some provinces, but starting this summer assisted suicide will take
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A friend of mine recently asked me what the difference is between our church and The Roman Catholic Church. I thought it a good enough question to put the answer in writing. Doctrinally and practically there are myriads of differences, but each is a result of a different source of authority. The Roman Catholic Church
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When pain enters our lives despair often follows. Despair is an overwhelming sense of helplessness. It is like drowning, waiting for water to slowly replace the air in our lungs. It is the sense of being trapped, like there is absolutely no way out. Despair is the paralysis of pain. It is the shackles of
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The people of Israel were despised by the Egyptians from the outset. The Israelites, like their fathers and their fathers before them, were shepherds. Patience, courage, love, watchfulness, foresight, stewardship, justice and discipline were the skills they needed to survive. They survived by properly caring for sheep, and their shepherding skills spilt into their civil
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In Genesis 37, Joseph’s brothers sold Joseph into slavery and covered it up with his bloody robe. Two Sundays ago, I said God used their circumstances in Genesis 42 to convict Joseph’s brothers of their sin. In Genesis 44, we learned that God tested them to see whether or not they had actually repented of
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When an “evangelical” church receives practicing homosexuals into membership and appoints them into leadership, what should we think? With decades of cultural accommodation and a lack of biblical teaching in many evangelical churches, this is expected. I predict more and more defections in the months and years to come. “They went out, but they were
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Pornography is an epidemic that knows no particular demographic. Men struggle with porn. Women struggle with porn. Teenagers struggle with porn. And, sadly, even some children struggle with porn. If you don’t believe me, consider these frightening stats: 9 out 10 boys are exposed to pornography before the age of 18 6 out of 10
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Magna Carta turned 800 years old Monday. Who celebrated? Perhaps few, but we all benefit, especially English speaking Christians. Foundational to modern democracy and individual liberty, Magna Carta, or translated from Latin as the Great Charter, marked the beginning of the end to the despotic ambitions of tyrannical English kings. With that, it was the
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