In case you needed just one more reason to pull your children from public school, watch this full video from a recent meeting of the Waterloo Region District School Board. What a disgrace. King Alfred Academy, a classical Christian academy started by Trinity Bible Chapel, is taking applications for the next school year. And we
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Canadian pastors have their litany of excuses for handing their churches and their worship over to Caesar. Over the last two years, premiers and legislatures have demanded that churches close, cease gathering, move online, etc. This was the necessary sacrifice as the state heralded the good news of salvation from COVID-19. Believe on the death
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Two lawyers, each claiming to be a Christian, wrote a National Post article, and they managed to cook up a multi-syllabic soup. No this isn’t a joke, or at least it’s not a funny joke. Thousands of Canadians have been fired for their conscientious objections to mandatory vaccines. Most, at least in my experience, have
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Officialdom has pontificated since the lockdowns began that their measures are to prevent the medical system from collapsing. Bureaucrats and politicians destroyed businesses. They polarized society, dividing families, while forbidding gatherings at Easter and Christmas. Through media Pravda the empty suits in high places have sanctimoniously condemned the ones who resisted their tyranny as wanting
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Jesus predicted that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6) preceding or leading up to a severe outpouring of judgement, and even so there are now “vaccine passports and rumors of vaccine passports.” I am not opposed to medical treatments of this nature, as in vaccines, but I am opposed to
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“…not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25). March 2020 brought lockdowns. That meant the mortification of public gathered Christian worship to bring about the mortification of a virus. Up until that point, I don’t
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We have had some really extravagant worship services over the past few months. A service we held on January 24, 2021, cost us $83,000. It was pricey, and we believe that Jesus is worthy of extravagance. After all, He purchased us for the extravagant price of His very own blood. On April 25, 2021, we
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I recently gave a talk called, “Persecuted for righteousness: should we flee?”, which can be accessed here. I cleaned up my notes to make it into the essay below. INTRODUCTION We have passed through a season of persecution, and that is saliently undeniable, unless of course one writes for Gospel Coalition Canada where men work
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