Officialdom has pontificated since the lockdowns began that their measures are to prevent the medical system from collapsing. Bureaucrats and politicians destroyed businesses. They polarized society, dividing families, while forbidding gatherings at Easter and Christmas. Through media Pravda the empty suits in high places have sanctimoniously condemned the ones who resisted their tyranny as wanting to kill old people by contributing to the disintegration of the hospitals where they might end up rationing ventilators. Not one bureaucrat has lost a job over this, with their boots on our throats while preaching their gospel of “do your part” because “we’re all in this together,” and “our heroes wear scrubs.”
As if we needed more evidence, the termination of staff at local hospitals further authenticates the unauthenticity of these mindless platitudes. Local CTV reports, “Grand River Hospital in Kitchener initially put 170 staff and physicians on leave, but CEO Ron Gagnon says that number has since dropped to 124,” and, “Over at St. Mary’s in Kitchener, 27 staff are on unpaid leave, 51 at Cambridge Memorial, and 31 at Guelph General.” These staff had objections to the COVID-19 vaccines, and they were sent home from work. This is a pandemic after all, and we need all hands on deck, except for the ones that don’t trust the science. Wait, so there are healthcare workers who don’t trust the science? They were trained in science and they’ve made a living helping people with science, and now they are science-deniers. Important to note is that what bureaucrats and media Pravda call science isn’t always settled science. And speaking of science, what happened to natural immunity? Can anyone point me to a scientific study that conclusively indicates natural immunity is inferior to a vaccine? If these healthcare workers have been helping COVID patients for 19 months in what officialdom deems a “once in one hundred years health crisis” do you not think a few of them might have natural immunity? If, like 99.925% of Canadians, they haven’t yet died of COVID, even while working in hospitals, what are the odds that COVID-19 will hunt them down and drag them to the grave in the next 19 months? If this scientifically settles anything it is that there are people in high places who use the claim to science as a club to bludgeon dissent into submission. “How dare you disagree with me, you anti-science hospital destroyer! Bruce Jenner is a woman. And abortion is a woman’s right to choose. Now fire all the women who won’t let us stick things in their bodies!” It’s settled science.
My heroes wore scrubs. What I mean is that these persons went to work when we knew very little about COVID-19, back when some thought it was the return of the black death and bodies would soon be stacked in the streets. They went to work because they had conviction. They faced the fear, put up with arduous policies, and they loved the people entrusted to their care. Their convictions prompted them to love and care for humanity at risk to themselves. Now they’ve been fired for their convictions. For one reason or another, they have had objections to having experimental substances inserted into their bodies. Instead of violating principles they lost their jobs. With helping people amidst uncertain fears, sacrificing a job on principle is something I can get behind and honour. They wore scrubs because they have conviction. Now they’ve hung up their scrubs because they have conviction. My heroes once wore scrubs.
Whatever is going on out there in officialdom makes no sense. When things don’t add up it’s because there are things we don’t know. They’ve attempted to destroy restauranteurs. They’ve attempted to destroy dissenting politicians. They’ve attempted to destroy pastors and churches. And now they’re attempting to destroy the ones they called “heroes” just a few months ago, while destroying the hospitals they said they were attempting to save. And it’s all because they love us. Unscrupulous scoundrels are behind this, and they have no loyalty at all. They’ll lie boldface to the camera, and then they will pat themselves on the back for displaying Churchillian leadership by leading a D-Day invasion to obliterate COVID-19. Speaking of Sir Winston Churchill, he once quipped “Appeasement is feeding the alligator and hoping he eats you last.” COVID-19 is not our biggest threat. Our greatest threat is the government, and it must not be appeased. It’s a gluttonous beast. The more it eats the more it wants to eat.
If you haven’t noticed, the more our society has pulled away from Jesus Christ the worse it’s become. Less Jesus has led to more government. Less Jesus has led to more crime. Less Jesus has led to more division. Less Jesus has led to more problems. We are in a spiritual crisis. We’ve been trained to look to government as a functional saviour, but its salvation comes with a price. Looking to the state for illusory salvation amidst illusory crises turns us into real slaves. A government that can seize our assets, control our businesses, dictate our terms of worship, and force us to stick things into our bodies is not a benevolent saviour, but rather it’s an enslaver transforming us into its bondservants while promising a utopian dream. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Whether you’re a healthcare worker or otherwise, I’m inviting you to Jesus Christ. He shed His blood for us sinners, and He offers full pardon for all our sins with everlasting life.
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Some are no doubt concerned about tomorrow. How will I pay the bills? The mortgage? The children? Where will I find a job? Scripture promises that Christ will provide our daily bread, and we can look to the hand of our Good Shepherd to feed us. Our job is to act on righteous conviction by faith, trust the Saviour, and He will carry us. He has never let me down. He has never let His people down. He won’t let you down. Our Saviour’s plan is unfolding before our eyes, and you can be confident that even in the pain His plan is perfect. As William Cowper wrote years ago,
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow’r.
At Trinity Bible Chapel you will find a loving community, united on the promises of Christ, ready to support you in this crisis of societal leadership. You’ll hear the life-giving message of Jesus Christ and be offered a complete salvation by a real Saviour who can really be trusted and who will truly deliver on His promises. Betrayed healthcare workers, and anyone else for that matter, you’re invited to church this Sunday. We will offer you hope and love with a warm welcome.