The first small group meeting is important because it’s the first time that your group gathers together and so it’s also a time where guidelines and expectations can be established. That said, this past Sunday at the Lunch ‘n Learn we had a group discussion question devoted to best practices during your first small group meeting. The wisdom in the room was evident as leader after leader shared some tips and suggestions as to what you can do during your first small group meeting. Below is a summary of what was said. Thanks to Vicky for writing all of this down!
Small Group First Night Suggestions:
- Have food or a barbeque
- Have everyone introduce themselves
- As leaders, consider sharing your testimonies with your group
- Have all of the books needed for the group (one for each member)
- Have a copy of the covenant for every member
- Keep it simple, but have a plan
- Do all of the housekeeping stuff:
- Hand out books and assign someone to collect money for books
- Hand out and read over covenant and get copies signed
- Ensure you have the correct contact information for each member (if different let your flock leader and Will know)
- Hand out a schedule for the fall/winter session (which dates/weeks the group is meeting for the study, which dates does each person have to bring the snack, which nights are for a social time, which night is for an outreach, etc.)
- Delegate out various roles: socials, outreaches, hospitality/care, money collection, etc.
- Do all of the housekeeping stuff:
- Have some icebreaker games to play to get to know everyone
- Clarify the purpose of small groups – discipleship and sanctification and stress the importance of the small group covenant – and have a time of accountability on the first night
- Read through the covenant (each person can read one point for example)
- Explain about accountability: not a time solely for confession (same thing week after week), but also about obedience to the Word of God and breaking free from sin to live in freedom and obedience
- ‘Force’ involvement and prayer from DAY 1: encourage those who are silent to speak by directing questions for them and asking them to pray during accountability so that they don’t get comfortable not participating
- Leaders set the tone: be honest and transparent about what you are actually going through and dealing with and require prayer and accountability for on a personal level
- Tell the group that we are not perfect and don’t have all of the answers; that we will work to get the answers; make yourself approachable so that members can come to you honestly with what they are going through and not feel judgement
- Encourage members to think about their prayer requests and accountability time prior to the meeting; encourage efficiency and thoughtful requests
- Don’t assume poeple understand/know what a small group is. It might be helpful to explain ideas such as mutual care, sanctification, ministry of the Holy Spirit, and fellowship as they relate to the group.
- Start and end on time so that you respect commitments such as families with babysitters or university students with school work
Certainly there are some things that could be added to this list and so if you have another idea that is not on this list, don’t feel like you can’t run with it! In fact, it’d be great if you shared it in the comments below. Having said that, there is a lot of wisdom behind many of these suggestions and every leader would do well to consider and implement many of them!
You are loved!