Last autumn, I started putting tidbits in the church ebulletin that I thought folks might find interesting. I’ve rethought this, and what I hope to start doing is posting those tidbits here on the blog regularly under the heading “Newspaper Clippings.” Back in the day, before email, folks used to clip articles out of newspapers, photocopy them, and pass them along to their friends. This will serves the same purpose.
8 Things Vaping Can Do To Your Body
A lot people are wondering how to talk to their kids about vaping. This article might be a good place to start.
James MacDonald: Face Your Church Before You Face Your Maker
Former Chicago shock-jock Mancow Muller, who was baptized by Pastor James Macdonald, says some things that need to be said.
Human Trafficking In Canada: It Could Happen To Anyone
“If you ask most Canadians, they’d say they’re horrified that trafficking exists, but relieved that we live here, where things like that don’t happen. After all, other nations call us ‘nice.’ This isn’t the kind of place where men and women entrap teenagers, then move them from city to city, buying and selling them as modern-day sex slaves. Or one where people discover that it’s happening—and don’t do anything about it. But Canada is exactly that kind of place.”
I’ve listened to the “Sheologians” podcast from time to time. This appears to be their first in a series of podcasts on feminism.