I was recently interviewed by the guys over at the Rebel Alliance Media Podcast to discuss the teachings of Bruxy Cavey. Below is the podcast audio as well as the show notes from this episode of their podcast: Podcast: Interview begins at the 16:35 mark. Show Notes: Today we are joined by Pastor Jacob Reaume from
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King Alfred the Great is the only English king ever to have had the name, “Great.” He lived and reigned during the second half of the 9th c., and he rose to greatness in what is likely the darkest hour of English history. His royal family had fallen to a palace coup, the British Isles were under constant Viking siege, and his own people turned on him early in his reign. Amidst the hardship, King Alfred rose to become an English king whose vision for his island nation still bears fruit among the world’s most prosperous and free nations even today. Below, I offer some reasons why he’s considered “Great.”
Canada’s state broadcaster, CBC, released a disgraceful video a few days ago. In it a media personality, surrounded by a group of very young children, celebrates gay pride. She venerates gay “heroes” to the kids, prompts the kids to jubilation over gay pride, cues them to extol so-called gay marriage, and overtly suggests that it’s
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We live in a world that is gayproud. And in that world we must be Christian. But how? Some so-called churches have joined the lemming-run by appointing gay leaders and marrying gay parishioners. Others have remained silent, crossing their fingers to wishfully dream away this high point of moral decadence. Neither one of those are acceptable responses. The first is a sin of commission: committing evil by participating in it. The second is a sin of omission: omitting good by keeping silent when one should speak. I’ve seen others become corrosively bitter. That too is only fighting sin by becoming sinful, so really it’s just joining the parade.
A few days ago, Andy Stanley, a popular pastor from Atlanta, made some questionable comments about the Old Testament. I have next to no desire to interact with his comments, but I do know they were enough to provoke a bunch of American Christians towards giving Andy Stanley an old fashioned American smackdown. Phil Johnson,
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One of the best gifts my parents gave me is a work-ethic. A work-ethic is a survival skill, it is an act of love towards the community, and it is godly. I thank God my parents taught me to work. The job market may have changed some in the last decade or so, but the
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The sin of cowardice has a really good reputation among Canadian Christians. People don’t usually call cowardice “cowardice.” That would be “unkind,” “not nice,” or “unloving.” Not being called “cowardice,” cowardice is almost often called “kind,” “nice,” or “loving.” Cowardice has a great reputation. That’s rather unfortunate because the Bible doesn’t call cowardice “kind,” “nice,”
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Last night I was within the vicinity of the abortion debate at Wilfred Laurier University because I wanted to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I met this polite and articulate University of Waterloo student, and we conversed for about 45 minutes. I share the last few minutes of our discussion to point out that
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